Lindsay Likes Tea: a blog about a woman, her life, her mental life, and her slight addiction to Tea.
Hello 2021
Goodbye 2020, what an awful year you were. There were some bright sparks here and there, sure. But on the whole, I am happy to see the back of you. Sadly, the start of the incoming year does not offer much respite from what we have had to endure as a result of the global…
F*ck You, 2020. Or in other words, a life catch up from me to you.
Content Warning – Depression & Anxiety, Suicidal thoughts / ideation, Terminal illness of a pet. I never wrote out a resolutions list for 2020 and honestly, I am glad I didn’t. I meant to, and in my head I have a good idea of the things the would have been on that list. But I…
Just Wait A Second
Tumbling; thoughts in free fall Reason dissipating Until I’m left on the outside looking in Watching myself not think As the words flow forth From my mouth (Or my fingertips It does not matter which) I scrabble to catch them but they float Drifting away from me to you Before I can touch them And…
Got any book recommendations? Comments? Cute cat pictures?