Lindsay Likes Tea: a blog about a woman, her life, her mental life, and her slight addiction to Tea.
Missed Ones
I want to start blogging again. Part of me wishes I didn’t look at it tonight however. As a part of the process, I reminded myself of what I had previously wrote on my ‘About’ page. There is a section where I talk about my polycule (read here if you don’t know the lingo) and…
A Dublin Adventure 2 – The Progress Progress*
I am writing this post midway through the third day of WorldCon, which is essentially the half way point of the convention, and more than half way into the trip as a whole (we arrived on Tuesday, it is currently Saturday and we leave Tuesday coming). This trip has had its ups and downs, but…
A Dublin Adventure
Today is the start of an adventure that has been in my diary for at least 2 years. As soon as Michael (one of my partners…the one I’m married too! Check out the About page for a diagram of my polycule) heard that there was a possibility that WorldCon could be held in Dublin, Ireland,…
Got any book recommendations? Comments? Cute cat pictures?