I really want to blog more. It’s been a goal of mine since March and I just…haven’t. I can’t say with any level of certainty or accuracy as to why I haven’t exactly; I just haven’t.
This is an attempt to change all that. I have decided that although my blog will be a general personal blog and as such, include posts about anything and everything; there are some core topics I will focus on.
These are:
- Tabletop gaming; board, card and miniature games
- Tea, and/or food & drink in general
- Beading
- Bullet Journalling
To kick start this process, I am going to write a few words about what I have been up to these past few days. I have been at the UK Games Expo in Birmingham. It is held at the end of May / beginning of June every year, and year on year it is growing more and more popular. This year, it achieved an attendance of circa 21,700 unique attendees across 3 days.
The atmosphere at the expo is always amazing, being around so many other people who enjoy to game as much as you do. I got to try some new games, say hi to some friends I see each time we visit, talk to new people, buy some cool stuff, and be away from the normality of day to day life for a weekend. I always look forward to this weekend all year since we started to attend back in 2014,
It’s quite sad to be home now, but at the same time, being away and trying new things always reinvigorates my passion for games. So much so that we have an all day gaming session planned for Wednesday before I go back to work (and proper normality; boo!).
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